The PMS image format (8-bit)

PMS8 is an 8-bit indexed image format with compression. There is also a 16-bit direct color variant (PMS16). Both formats begin with the same header structure:

struct pms_header {
    BYTE magic[2];    // "PM"
    LE16 version;     // PMS version
    LE16 header_size; // size of the this header
    BYTE bpp;         // bits per pixel, 8 or 16
    BYTE alpha_bpp;   // alpha channel bit-depth, if exists
    BYTE sf;          // sprite flag (not used?)
    LE16 bf;          // palette bank
    LE32 x;           // display location x
    LE32 y;           // display location y
    LE32 width;       // image width
    LE32 height;      // image height
    LE32 data_off;    // offset to image data
    LE32 palette_off; // offset to palette or alpha
    LE32 comment_off; // offset to comment

For PMS8, bpp is 8 and there is no alpha channel. The image data can be found at data_off, and the palette at palette_off. The palette is composed of 256 3-byte RGB values:

struct rgb {
    BYTE red;
    BYTE green;
    BYTE blue;
} palette[256];

The image data is compressed using a few techniques. Refer to the commented source code below (adapted from xsystem35) to see how it works.

struct pms_cg {
    struct {
        uint8_t r;
        uint8_t g;
        uint8_t b;
    } pal[256];
    uint8_t *image;
    int width;
    int height;

/* Convert PMS8 image to 8-bit indexed bitmap. */
static int pms8_extract(uint8_t *pic, struct rgb *pal, uint8_t *data, size_t size)
    // check for PMS8 format
    if (data[0] != 'P' || data[1] != 'M' || data[6] != 8 || size < 40)
        return NULL;

    // read relevant values from the header
    const int width       = LittleEndian_getDW(data, 24);
    const int height      = LittleEndian_getDW(data, 28);
    const int image_off   = LittleEndian_getDW(data, 32);
    const int palette_off = LittleEndian_getDW(data, 36);

    // check dimensions/offsets
    if (width < 0 || height < 0)
        return NULL;
    if (palette_off + 256*3 >= size || image_off >= size)
        return NULL;

    // allocate memory for bitmap
    struct pms_cg *cg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pms_cg));
    cg->image = malloc((width + 10) * (height + 10)); // +10: margin for broken CGs
    cg->width = width;
    cg->height = height;

    // read the palette
    uint8_t p = data + palette_off;
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        cg->pal[i].r = *p++;
        cg->pal[i].g = *p++;
        cg->pal[i].b = *p++;

    // read the image data
    int n, c0, c1;
    uint8_t *b = data + image_off;
    uint8_t *pic = cg->image;

    // for each line...
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y ++) {
        // for each pixel...
        for (int x = 0; x < width; ) {
            // check for corrupt CG
            // NOTE: this is not robust, since we could read up to 4 bytes below
            if (b - data >= size) {
                return NULL;
            int loc = y * width + x;
            c0 = *b++;
            // non-command byte: read 1 pixel into buffer
            if (c0 <= 0xf7) {
                pic[loc] = c0;
            // copy n+3 pixels from previous line
            else if (c0 == 0xff) {
                n = (*b++) + 3;
                x += n;
                memcpy(pic + loc, pic + loc - width, n);
            // copy n+3 pixels from 2 lines previous
            else if (c0 == 0xfe) {
                n = (*b++) + 3;
                x += n;
                memcpy(pic + loc, pic + loc - width * 2, n);
            // repeat 1 pixel n+4 times (1-byte RLE)
            else if (c0 == 0xfd) {
                n = (*b++) + 4;
                x += n;
                c0 = *b++;
                memset(pic + loc, c0, n);
            // repeast a sequence of 2 pixels n+3 times (2-byte RLE)
            else if (c0 == 0xfc) {
                n = ((*b++) + 3)  * 2;
                x += n;
                c0 = *b++;
                c1 = *b++;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i+=2) {
                    pic[loc+i]   = c0;
                    pic[loc+i+1] = c1;
            // not sure why this exists, probably padding
            else {
                pic[loc] = *b++;
    return cg;