クエストデータ - Map Node Data

This tree specifies CGs and behaviors for tiles on quest maps. Most of the data for a map is contained in numbered nodes, where the number should correspond to the value of one of the 番号 keys in the マップデータ table.


tree クエストデータ = {
    ★ハニーテスト = {                     // quest name
        背景 = "リーザス平原",            // background
        地名 = "リーザス",                // region name (displayed top left)
        音楽 = "フィールド/リーザス",    // music
        001 = {                        // data for map tile with 番号=1
            画像A = "街道1",            // tile image
            画像B = "イベント印",        // icon at tile (event icon)
            物語 = "000/テストさん",  // event function name
            選択分岐 = {                  // movement button data
                分岐前 = {                // move forward button
                    顔画像 = "立て看板",  // icon name
                    説明 = "出発します",  // button text
        020 = {                        // data for map tile with 番号=20
            画像A = "街道1",            // tile image
            画像B = "中ボス魔軍印",      // icon at tile (mid-boss)
            戦闘 = "m22ハニー",           // battle name
            フラグ = "ウルトラレアON",  // flag to set
        030 = {                        // data for map tile with 番号=30
            画像A = "街道1",            // tile image
            画像B = "レア宝箱印",        // icon at tile (rare chest)
            処理 = "宝箱/レア",          // special processing (rare chest)
        040 = {                        // data for map tile with 番号=40
            画像A = "街道1",            // tile image
            画像B = "その頃印",          // icon at tile (other icon)
            物語 = "50/その頃",        // event function name
        050 = {                        // data for map tile with 番号=50
            画像A = "街道1",            // tile image
            画像B = "イベント印",        // icon at tile (event icon)
            物語 = "50/エンド",        // event function name
            終了 = 1,                     // ends quest

Common keys

These keys can be used at the top-level, inside of a numbered node, or inside of a 選択分岐 node.


The background to display beneath the map.


The name of the current region. Displayed in the top left corner of the screen.


The music to play on the map.

Numbered nodes

Each of the numbered nodes corresponds to a visitable tile on the map. These must be written in full-width characters, not regular ASCII numerals.


001 = { ...} // correct
001 = { ...}    // wrong

Numbers can be added to the end of keys to specify the order events/battles are to be executed in. E.g.,

001 = {
    物語 = "590/戦争報告",
    物語2 = "590/女神の部屋",
    物語3 = "590/お祝い",
    物語4 = "590/バード",
    物語5 = "590/美樹発作",
    物語6 = "590/ホーネットの選択",
    物語7 = "590/ランスの選択",
    物語8 = "590/誕生",
    ムービー9 = "1部エンドロール",
    物語10 = "590/魔王ランス",
    フラグ = "クリア/エピローグ",
    終了 = 4,


The name of the tile CG. The name should correspond to the name of a .flat file. E.g. the name "000JAPAN城" corresponds to the .flat file シス/クエスト/箱/000JAPAN城.flat.


The name of the CG to draw on top of the tile. The name should correspond to the name of a .flat file. E.g. the name "宝箱印" corresponds to the .flat file シス/クエスト/置物/宝箱印.flat.


The name of an event function to run when the tile is reached. The function should return void and take no arguments.


The name of a battle to run when the tile is reached.


The name of a flag to set when the tile is reached.


When this key is set, some specific code runs when the tile is reached. Known values are,

Value Description
“EXP” Active leaders get +1 star level
“アイテムUP” Item level up
“エール入力画面” Get player name (part 2)
“ダメージ 3” 3% damage
“ダメージ 5” 5% damage
“ダメージ 10” 10% damage
“ダメージ 20” 20% damage
“ダメージ 22” 22% damage
“ダメージ 90” 90% damage
“ダメージ 98” 98% damage
“回復” Heal
“難易度” Medal
“友情” Friendship
“食券” Meal ticket
“食券フェイズ” ?
“宝箱/ノーマル” Normal chest
“宝箱/レア” Rare chest
“金塊” Gold


List of cards to appear in a chest, when used together with the 処理 key having the value "宝箱/ノーマル" or "宝箱/レア". E.g.

処理 = "宝箱/レア",
カード = (list) { "Lv42 ランス", "Lv45 ランス", "Lv55 ランス" },


If this key is set, then the quest will end when the tile is reached. It can be set to the following values,








This node lists the data for the branches which can be taken from a tile. It should contain nodes with one or more of the following keys:

Inside these nodes, you can use the following keys.


The name of the icon to display on the button.


The text to display on the button.


Condition which must be true for the branch to be available.


Condition which must be false for the branch to be available.