Rance X Modding Glossary

Attributes/Elements (属性)

Number Attribute
0 None
1 Fire
2 Ice
3 Lightning
4 Light
5 Dark

Factions (所属)

Number Faction
0 None
1 Protagonist
2 Leazas
3 Helman
4 Zeth
5 Free Cities
7 Other
8 Demi-Human
9 Monsters
10 Shinma

Gender (性別)

Number Gender
0 None
1 Male
2 Female

Regions (地域)

Number Region
0 None
1 Leazas
2 Helman
3 Zeth
4 Free Cities

Skill Type (行動タイプ)

Number Skill Type
1 Action
10 Auto
20 Continual
30 Status

Skill Process Type (処理)

Number Skill Type Process Type
2 Action Ranged Attack
3 Action Regular Attack
4 Action Magic Attack
5 Action Special (buff, debuff, etc)
6 Action Heal
7 Action Preprocess (?)
8 Action Wait (?)
31 Status Leader 5 times (?)
32 Status One times (?)
33 Status On Battle (?)

Skill Effects (効果)

Number Effect Value Notes
1 Attack Attack multiplier (100 = 1倍, etc)
4 Repeat attack (as effect 2) Number of times to repeat
6 Set damage element Element number
25 1x Attack, adds weak (弱体) %-value (?)
28 Dark down %-value
34 Lightning down %-value
42 Down Number to down
49 Poison effect up N/A Continual
51 Down N/A
59 Lose AP N/A
60 Nina’s corpse N/A
61 Remove enemy buff Number of buffs to remove Auto
63 戦闘ラウンドをr+2進める N/A
64 戦闘ラウンドをr-2戻す N/A
65 Heal %-value (?)
66 Heal %-value
68 Star rank up Rank limit
69 Remove debuff Number of debuffs to remove
70 Boost (self) N/A
81 + Physical damage resist %-value Status
82 + Magic damage resist %-value Status
83 + Negative status resist %-value Status
84 + HP multiplier %-value Status
85 + Physical damage multiplier %-value Status
86 + Magic damage multiplier %-value Status
88 + Assassinate chance %-value Status
89 + Double attack chance %-value Status
90 + EXP increase %-value Status
91 + Auto heal %-value Status
92 + Treasure chest chance %-value Status
93 + Interrupt chance %-value Status
94 + Physical damage resist %-value Continual
95 + Magic damage resist %-value Continual
96 + Physical damage multiplier %-value Continual
97 + Magic damage multiplier %-value Continual
98 + Auto heal %-value Continual
99 + Accuracy %-value Continual
100 + Evasion chance %-value Continual
103 Display enemy weakness N/A Continual
105 必要AP=0r N/A Continual
106 必要AP-1 N/A Continual
107 Negate damage <= threshold Threshold Continual
109 ダメージ発生時自身が犠牲になり防ぐ N/A Continual
110 Negate damage Attack type Continual; 1=normal, 2=ranged, 3=magic
111 Halve damage Attack type Continual; 1=normal, 2=ranged, 3=magic
112 Negate damage (by element) Element Continual
113 Immune to poison N/A Continual
114 Counterattack (to normal attack) N/A Continual
115 Counterattack (to ranged) N/A Continual
116 Counterattack (to magic) N/A Continual
117 Faction auto attack up Faction number Continual
122 Majin barrier 1? Continual
124 Negate large attacks N/A Continual
125 香姫から攻撃を受けると混乱になる N/A Continual
126 EXP x 2, DMG / 2 N/A Continual
127 EXP x 3, DMG invalid N/A Continual
129 特別な品が出現 N/A Continual
130 捕獲対象が出現 N/A Continual
131 食券が出現 N/A Continual
134 Ally auto attack Number corresponding to ally Continual; 1=Torako, 2=Katsuko, etc.
135 行動は2回まで Number of times Continual
137 各種情報が見えない N/A Continual
138 Regular battles become auto N/A Continual
139 Auto battles become regular N/A Continual
141 Child = boost, adult = stun ? Auto
142 Leader AT, HP * multiplier Multiplier Continual
143 Invulnerable to stun/down N/A Continual
147 + Auto attack multiplier %-value Status
148 Interrupt invalid ? Continual
149 Down preference N/A Continual
151 Immune to curse N/A Continual
152 Immune to anti-heal N/A Continual
153 Immune to sleep N/A Continual